I began practicing law in 1993 as a solo attorney when the internet was running on 1200 baud modems. The internet was super slow and cumbersome but many of us saw the World Wide Web as a means to communicate and share information in a format that was unheard of before.
I joined the Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyers computer committee. At that time most lawyers were just learning how to send and receive emails. Our goal was to help share information among lawyers. Mike Shapiro and Jim Altman and I, worked on the first listserver for GACDL. It ran under Jim's desk on an old 486 machine.
After realizing what a great resource a listserver was, I created GAPI that was nothing more than an emailing service. Although GTLA had not created one yet, I wanted to create one that was
screened so that only Plaintiff's lawyers could share. That became known as GAPI.
I wanted more, but I had no idea how to HTML code writing, other than in very minor details. So I kept studying and found that FrontPage coding was easy enough, but still hard to manipulate. Members would often email me their files and I would upload them manually. I could never get a membership package to work.
I even offered LOIS Case management Software for free. I worked out other types of deals with legal providers over the years, but Lois was the most gracious to us.